- The Library sends notices to help you manage your loans and fines, and to request items for other users when items are in demand. You are responsible for returning items by the due date.
- If you are a student, notices are sent to your Student email address (username @aucklanduni.ac.nz). To redirect your EC email to your preferred email address, follow the instructions on the Student email website. Library staff are not able to change the S
- If you are a staff member, notices are sent to your campus email address. See My Library Account to find out how to receive notices at another email address.
- If you are not a student or staff member, notices are sent to your nominated email address.
- Students can return their overdue books and pay their accountability anytime from Monday to Friday, 8-12, 1-5 pm during this period.
- Library members are requested to please return the books, magazines or CDs issued to them latest by Jan.8, 2014.